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  • 👩‍💻 Write a 15-page novel with one prompt

👩‍💻 Write a 15-page novel with one prompt

This project will blow your mind

Some AI news!

Yesterday I stumbled on an insanely cool project that I need to share with you guys…

It’s called author-gpt v2, released by Matt Shumer on Twitter/X and he reports that you can generate entire novels in minutes.

He says, “just describe the high-level details, and a chain of AI systems will write an entire book for you in minutes.”

  • complete with cover art

  • export to ebook format

He open sourced the project on GitHub (check out the project here) - I’m defffffffinitely going to be tinkering with it later today.

How it works

The AI is asked to generate a list of potential plots based on a given prompt. It then selects the most engaging plot, improves upon it, and extracts a title. After that, it generates a detailed storyline with a specified number of chapters, and then tries to improve upon that storyline. Each chapter is then individually written by the AI, following the plot and taking into account the content of previous chapters. Finally, a prompt to design the cover art is generated, and the cover is created. Finally, it's all pulled together, and the novel is compiled into an EPUB file.

From what I’m seeing in the comments and elsewhere online, the book it will generate is 20-30 pages but you can explore with more.

My goal for today

  • Generate a book with this project

  • Upload it to Amazon Kindle store

  • See if I can get a paying customer 💰

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Daily Build is a newsletter where I publicly explore AI tools and share my learnings with you daily! -Joshua

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